Vaniam Group Clinical Strategy and Solutions (CSS)


Optimize clinical trials with site-focused strategies to boost patient enrollment and trial performance

Vaniam Group CSS team supports our biopharmaceutical partners worldwide to accelerate clinical trial enrollment through our unique approach of engaging, motivating, and educating patient-facing clinical trial site teams, including:


Sub- investigators



We specialize in supporting clinical development and operations for phase 1-4 clinical trials, with expertise across hematology and oncology.

Let’s connect to optimize your clinical trial’s performance.

Connecting clinical trials worldwide for a global patient impact

Our Vaniam Group CSS clinical team is comprised of former and current health care providers and biopharmaceutical executives with deep connections to global and US investigators, as well as cross-functional study teams. Their unique experiences with patients, investigators, and site staff lead Vaniam Group to our novel, site-focused intervention strategy.

Alongside our experienced clinical team, our CSS operational and communications experts skillfully collaborate with biopharmaceutical and clinical research organization partners to improve clinical trial performance directly.


Stay Connected

Vaniam Group CSS connectivity can enhance the speed, performance, and ultimate success of your clinical trials.

Improving clinical trial performance using adult-learning methods

Vaniam GroupTM presented data at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, demonstrating improvement in clinical trial performance.

Poster Presentation

Watch Vaniam Group CSS 5-minute poster presentation as presented by Matthew Burke, DNP, MBA, RN, APRN-BC.